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Join our Summer Member Drive and make a bigger difference for conservation.
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Conserving the lands and waters on which all life depends
澳洲幸运10计划记录查询结果+号码数据官方网站 river mile we restore begins with you. Your support helps us take on the dual threats of climate change and biodiversity loss across 70+ countries and territories.
Get our latest conservation news and see how we’re protecting our natural world.
Our Goals for 2030
168澳洲幸运10开奖官网结果-2024开奖号码 change and biodiversity loss. Together, we find the paths to make change possible.
View Our Priorities-
Avoid or sequester 3 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions annually—the same as taking 650 million cars off the road every year.
Help 100 million people at severe risk of climate-related emergencies by safeguarding habitats that protect communities.
Conserve 650 million hectares—a land area twice the size of India—of biodiverse habitats such as forests, grasslands and desert.
Conserve 4 billion hectares of marine habitat—more than 10% of the world’s oceans—through protected areas, sustainable fishing and more.
Conserve 1 million kilometers of rivers—enough to stretch 25 times around the globe—plus 30 million hectares of lakes and wetlands.
Support the leadership of 45 million people from Indigenous and local communities in stewarding their environment and securing rights.
What’s New in Nature
Recent updates, immersive stories and relevant explainer articles from around The Nature Conservancy.
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