

Gift & Estate Planning

The Legacy Club

Sun shines through an oak leaf
Forest Assessment Sun shines through an oak leaf in Garrett County, where The Nature Conservancy recently conducted a forest assessment. © Matt Kane / TNC

Your Legacy for Nature

As a Legacy Club member, you have made a lasting commitment that will help protect the lands and waters you love for generations to come. Thank you.

Frosted Red Oak Leaves
Red Oak Leaves Frosted Red Oak (Quercus rubra) leaves. © Kimberly Steinberger/TNC

What inspired you to become a Legacy Club member?

Pink petals on a tree
Cedar Waxwings Waxwings Love // A male Cedar Waxwing offering his mate some fresh petals.  This photo was taken on May 13, 2021 at the 1000 Islands Environmental Center, Kaukauna, WI.  They were pretty high up in the trees feeding on what appeared to be flying insects; but somehow flew down near a shorter crab apple tree for me to capture some few shots. © Viseth Vic Moua/TNC Photo Contest 2021

Quote: Carolyn Knoll

I could not live in a world where there are no wild places or wildlife. I am compelled to make sure that those places are protected for everyone alive today and for all future generations.

Legacy Club Member